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International Conference for Innovative Veterinary Medicine 22-25 nov 2017

woensdag, 22 november, 2017 - 09:00

A leading four-day conference about new and innovative veterinary medicine in Veenendaal, organized by Edupet Education.

Especially for veterinarians, paraveterinarians, ‘smart students’ and animal-branch professionals with links to the veterinary world.


Wednesday 22nd November: Themed day - Herbal medicine & Zoopharmacognosy
Thursday 23rd November: Themed day – Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation
Friday 24th and Saturday 25th November: A variety of lectures and workshops about Companion Animals and Horses
Friday 24th November: Vet’s Night

Check out the complete program at www.icivm.com/program


Prins Experience Center - EduPet Education - Accustraat 1 - Veenendaal

Meet our speakers

We invited the best national and international speakers for you:

National: Johanna Fink,Yolanda Elberts, Anneke Schellingerhout, Ronald Mouwen,Theodoor Scheepers, Bart Halkes, Eric Laarakker, Richard van Dokkum en Morgan Lashley.

International: Barbara Fougere, Caroline Ingraham, Veerle Dejonckheere, Linda Boggie, Nick Thompson, Katja Goerts, Ina Gösmeier, Rikke Schultz, Tim Couzens, Lise Hansen, Markus Kasper, Erich Scherr en Linda Boggie.

Don't miss this opportunity to get your knowledge from all over the world!

conference tickets

Make your own selection of which days you want to attend. Also make your choice of which species you are interested in. Every conference day includes: unlimited coffee/tea/soft drinks, snacks during the breaks and lunch. A conference bag will be provided for you with your registration.

Buy your conference tickets here!